Imagining Your Career
Imagine arising one morning realizing you were heading to your dream job, not simply slogging into a day’s work just to pay the rent or mortgage and put food on the table. Imagine such a morning becoming the dawn of a career path you’ve envisioned and steered yourself toward for years,…
Follow That Passion (Part 6 of 7)
Sixth of seven retrospective blogs exploring how recognizing and honoring one’s passion often creates a rich, satisfying life. The entertainment industry is ever-expanding in tandem with technological advances. A successful entertainment designer understands technology…
Creative Studio of Tomorrow
Tomorrow approaches faster each day as technologies collide, ricochet, gravitate and dock to spawn new concepts, visions and manifestations. Consider the synthetic food and picture phone future of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ - today a classic motion picture made before Neil Armstrong had walked on the moon.
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